Easy News Magazine Blogger Responsive Template

Easy News is a great fast loading and fully responsive magazine style blogger template. White is the basic color of this awesome template.... thumbnail 1 summary
Easy News Magazine Blogger Responsive Template
Easy News is a great fast loading and fully responsive magazine style blogger template. White is the basic color of this awesome template. Threaded comments and custom 404 already included in this template and if you want to change the color you can do that via blogger template designer.
To show hot news on the home page you need to make a label for your selected post by adding label "Hot" (label writing is case sensitive) and to show another post sort by label just go to template layout and choose the label you want to show on the home page.
Easy News Magazine Blogger Responsive Template  was design to use at least one image in your post, because on the home page it will show the thumbnail of the image in your post.

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