Mobilink Bags Award for Paying Highest Tax

Mobilink Team with Imtiaz Ahmad Khan Collector of Customs, Islamabad (2nd from left) after receiving the ‘Highest Tax Payer’ award on Inte... thumbnail 1 summary
Mobilink Team with Imtiaz Ahmad Khan Collector of Customs, Islamabad (2nd from left) after receiving the ‘Highest Tax Payer’ award on International Customs Day
Mobilink has received the Highest Tax Payer Award by the Pakistan Customs, Islamabad Directorate.
Mobilink received the award in recognition making the highest contribution to the national exchequer through the Islamabad Directorate and fulfilling the Customs Laws and Regulations.
The award was given in a ceremony on the occasion of “International Customs Day” held at Islamabad Dry Port.
The ceremony was attended by Dr. Manzur Ahmad, Ex-Member Customs as the chief guest. Muhammad Usman Qureshi, Head of Logistics, Mobilink upon receiving the award from Dr. Ahmad said, “Mobilink believes in carrying out business practices with maximum integrity and transparency which is why more than 37 million Pakistanis trust Mobilink with their communication needs. The award is reflective of our commitment to Pakistan and an endorsement of our ethical business practices.’’
Mobilink has paid approximately PKR 1.159 Billion in shape of Custom Duty, Sales Tax and Income Tax in the year of 2013. These Duties and Taxes have been paid for importing trade and non-trade items such as Cellular Infrastructure Equipment, SIM, Scratch Card, Handsets and other hardware. Mobilink carries out its trade activities through the airport and seaport in Karachi as well as through Lahore and Islamabad airport.
The International Customs Day commemorates the inaugural session of the Customs Cooperation Council (CCC) in Brussels, Belgium in 1953. The International Customs Day is instituted by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and is held every year on January 26.

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